Dog Friendly Puppy Therapy

Dog Friendly Finds is ecstatic to introduce:

Dog Friendly Puppy Therapy

Background: The founder of Dog Friendly Finds, Rachel, is a  full time Literacy Coach. This school year has presented educators with many students who are having big emotions and who do not have the skills to regulate these feelings. It only seemed natural to combine Rachel’s passion for teaching with her love for fostering and working with the Connecticut Dog Community. 

About the Program: Dog Friendly Puppy Therapy is designed to bring rescue puppies to schools and classrooms. The goal is to support social and emotional learning as well as literacy. Not only are these puppies being given a safe and loving place to learn and grow, but they are also providing joy to those involved. Our pilot schools have seen positive shifts in the overall culture and climate of their school buildings as well as student behaviors.

Introducing our Getting Started Guide, Lesson Plans Idea Guide, and Presentation to Administration. All of these tools have been created by our pilot school to help your implementation run smoothly. 

Email if you are interested in purchasing an of these guides. 

Donations help in supporting the puppies in their school and foster environments. 


Please consider checking out our Amazon Wishlist. 


We are also looking for dog centered elementary school leveled books. If you would like to contribute books, please send an email!


 email: [email protected]


Thank you in advance!

Get Started Today!

Are You A School Or Rescue Interested In Implementing This Program?

If you are a rescue or shelter, click here.


If you are a school or district, click here.

Reach out to learn more!